What to Expect From Invisalign Treatment 

Getting Invisalign treatment is a great option for many patients who have mild cases of crooked teeth, bite issues, or overcrowded teeth. It’s a discrete and effective type of aligner, so it is a good alternative if you do not want people to know that you are getting treatment. During your consultation you may want to ask the orthodontist several questions. You may be wondering what to expect when you get Invisalign treatment. These are some of the things that an orthodontist will let you know If you want to find out more about what to expect from the Invisalign process.


During your initial consultation the orthodontist will learn about your dental history and the nature of your issue. They will do tests such as scans, X-rays and take molds of your teeth to understand how severe your condition is. Explain what kind of symptoms you have, such as chewing issues or pain when you bite. Invisalign is suitable for patients with a variety of issues, but if you have a particularly severe condition Invisalign will probably not be the suitable treatment option for you.

Molding Aligners

Once a dentist has determined that you are a good candidate for Invisalign, they will proceed to mold the custom trays and make sure that they fit. Invisalign involves 3D printing technology so that the orthodontist can take specially designed molds. This unique approach allows them to create a highly accurate design that fits your teeth perfectly. The molds are specifically fitted to your teeth. There are several trays that the orthodontist will fit, one for each phase of treatment. 


Invisalign aligners are fitted in a matter of minutes. It can take as little as 10 minutes to get them installed in your mouth. The orthodontist puts special attachments so that the tray can be locked into place. When the 3D printed trays are done, the orthodontist simply attaches them to the upper and bottom teeth. 


Like traditional braces, Invisalign works by gradually moving your teeth in the proper position, as an orthodontist who specializes in Invisalign treatment for Provo, UT residents can tell you, like one at SuperGrin Orthodontics. Over the course of several months, the treatment will take place. Aligners are changed every couple of weeks. There are several trays that will be applied to your teeth, and the number of trays depends on your particular issue. After each stage of your treatment, the orthodontist replaces the tray with a new one. 

Final Results 

After the end of treatment, you can expect to see your results. Your teeth will look and feel straighter. Your teeth will be in their rightful position. Any other issues you may have, such as bite problems, will be corrected. Patients who have had success with Invisalign are highly satisfied with how well their smile turned out. On average, Invisalign treatment takes about 12 months to complete, but can take as little as 6 months. Many patients do notice results after just a few weeks however. 

Talk to a highly qualified and experienced orthodontist to find out if Invisalign is right for you. 

Questions For Your Invisalign Consultation 

As an orthodontist who helps Provo, UT patients deciding between Invisalign vs braces can explain, like one at SuperGrin Orthodontics, Invisalign provides many benefits to patients with issues such as crooked or overcrowded teeth. They are a convenient and appealing option for many people who do not want to choose traditional braces to fix their teeth. Here are some commonly asked questions many patients have for orthodontists if they are interested in learning about Invisalign and other options for braces.

What is Invisalign? 

Invisalign is a type of invisible aligner that is a great alternative to traditional metal braces, which can be uncomfortable and painful. As the name suggests, they look invisible because of their unique and custom-fitted design. Invisalign aligners are made with 3D printing technology. They are a great option for patients who are seeking a more understated treatment when they are having their teeth fixed. 

Does wearing Invisalign hurt?

Many patients wonder if wearing Invisalign is comfortable compared to metal braces. Since they are made of plastic and are specially molded to your teeth, they are more comfortable to wear. You wear your aligners for about 20 to 22 hours, but it does not take long for many patients to get used to the feeling of wearing Invisalign. They are installed quickly and it can take as little as 10 minutes. Invisalign does not need to be tightened, unlike braces, which can be uncomfortable. 

Am I a good candidate for Invisalign?

Your orthodontist can tell you if you are a good candidate for Invisalign after doing a detailed evaluation. They will take scans, X-rays, and molds of your teeth to see if the treatment is right for you. Invisalign is suitable for mild cases of misalignment, but if you have a particularly severe case other treatment options may be required to fix your teeth.  

How much maintenance does Invisalign require? 

Invisalign treatments typically take a year to complete on average, but the timeline varies widely because every patient has unique alignment issues. You need to be able to consistently maintain a routine to make sure that you are wearing the aligners for the prescribed amount of time and are cleaning them often. Cleaning Invisalign aligners is a simpler and quicker process than conventional braces because they are easy to remove. 

What foods can I eat with Invisalign? 

One of the great things about Invisalign is that they do not come with many food restrictions. With traditional braces, patients need to be extra cautious about what type of food they consume. They are not allowed to eat food that can easily get stuck in the braces or cause them to get dislodged, such as sticky, hard, or chewy food. Invisalign allows patients to eat most foods they like because they can be removed.  

If you have misaligned teeth or want to improve the look and feel of your smile, Invisalign aligners may be the treatment option for you. They are a highly effective treatment if you want straighter, better looking teeth. Consult with a skilled orthodontist to find out more about this treatment and whether it would be suitable for you.

5 Key Features of Invisalign 

If you are looking for an alternative method to straighten your teeth beyond traditional metal braces, you may want to consider Invisalign. As a dentist who provides Invisalign services for Provo, UT patients can explain, such as one at SuperGrin Orthodontics, Invisalign aligners offer many features that make them a preferable option for many people with crooked or misaligned teeth. Before you opt for this kind of dental treatment, there are several key information that you should know about it to determine whether it is right for you. 

How invisible are Invisalign aligners?

Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign utilizes a unique transparent design so they are practically invisible. They are not as obvious as conventional braces, because it looks like you are not wearing any aligners on your teeth. This is appealing for many patients who do not want to attract much attention to their teeth while they are getting treatment. 

Is Invisalign comfortable to wear? 

Because they are made of a soft plastic, Invisalign aligners are much more comfortable to wear than metal braces. Traditional braces are composed of wires and brackets, which can make it uncomfortable, especially when you first begin wearing braces. The metal parts can cut your gums, so patients wearing them need to be extra careful when they are chewing. Tightening braces can sometimes cause discomfort and slight pain. 

Can I remove the Invisalign easily? 

Invisalign aligners can be removed, unlike regular braces. You need to go to your orthodontist if you want to have your metal braces removed because they are fixed to your teeth differently. They are easy to take on and off, making it much easier to brush teeth and rinse. They can be taken off in a matter of seconds at any time. 

Is there certain food I can’t eat?  

One of the worst things about wearing traditional metal braces for patients are the food limitations they have to deal with. Patients are not able to eat certain foods when they have metal braces that are sticky, chewy, or can easily get caught between braces. With Invisalign, you are not restricted to eating specific food. 

Is Invisalign custom-fit? 

Invisalign is a custom treatment, so they are molded to perfectly fit your teeth. They are highly effective at straightening your teeth. The orthodontist creates several trays so that your teeth can fit into a mild. 3D printing technology is used to create the print of each tray. Many patients who get Invisalign instead of metal braces are pleased with their results. If you prefer a personalized option, Invisalign may be right for you.

Every patient has their own preferences for how they want to achieve a brighter and better smile, so it’s important to weigh all of your options. Invisalign is a convenient option if you are looking for an alternative to metal braces that can cause greater discomfort. Do not wait to find out more about orthodontic treatments that can help you get the smile you are looking for. Talk to your orthodontist to learn more about the benefits of Provo Invisalign and if they are a good treatment option for you.

FAQ About Invisalign

There are many people that are considering Invisalign over your traditional metal braces. Many people have questions about what to expect. You should know that you aren’t alone if you have questions about this type of braces. 

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that straightens teeth without the use of metal braces. It is a series of custom-made, clear braces that cover your teeth and gently pull them into the proper position over time. Because they are clear and can be taken on and off, they are often less noticeable than your traditional braces. 

Here are some of the most common questions people have about this type of braces. 

What Is Invisalign Made From? 

Invisalign clear aligners are made from BPA-free plastic. They are typically more comfortable than traditional metal braces. These clear aligners are used to straighten your teeth and give you the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. 

Who Can Wear These Clear Braces? 

Another common question about who can wear Invisalign is who can wear them. Both teenagers and adults can wear this product. No matter what you will have to go through a constellation to see if it is the right choice for you. These clear braces are used to close gaps between teeth and treat overbites, underbites, open bites, crossbites, and overcrowded teeth. After an examination of your teeth, your dentist can walk you through if Invisalign is the right orthodontic treatment for you. 

How Does The Invisalign Process Work? 

If Invisalign is right for your case then your dentist will use the examination, along with x-rays, and a 3D model of your teeth to establish a personalized treatment plan for you. The treatment plan determines how your teeth need to shift and how long the process will take. The model of your teeth and your x-rays will be sent to the Invisalign laboratory, where your customized aligners are crafted. 

How Does Wearing Invisalign Work? 

When your dentist receives your first set of aligners, you come into the office to check for fit and to make any necessary adjustments. From there you will wear your aligners all day, every day, except when you eat, floss, and brush your teeth. Since the Invisalign braces are removable, you can remove them at any time during the day should you need to. 

You will wear your aligners for two weeks before switching to the new set. At first, your aligners will fit tightly because they are designed to gently and precisely move your teeth. After a few days, your teeth will gradually move to a new position. You may notice your aligners starting to feel looser, but you shouldn’t switch them too early. Switching aligners too early will interfere with your treatment plan. Every six weeks, you will go back to the office to check your aligners and the process of your treatment. 

If you have any more questions about what the Invisalign treatment has to offer, then reach out to someone like our friends at SuperGrin Orthodontics for more information. 

Making Your Invisalign Trays

If you want a better smile, but you don’t want to go straight for braces, you may have considered invisalign braces. But does invisalign really work? And why should you consider invisalign over normal braces?

As a specialist in invisalign treatment Provo, UT like our friends at SuperGrin Orthodontics can explain, there’s more to invisalign than meets the eye. Read on to learn more about invisalign, and see how a qualified orthodontist can help you get your smile back.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a method of straightening out your teeth, much like braces. However, unlike braces, invisalign is almost undetectable to the naked eye. Invisalign treatment involves several custom-made aligners (also known as trays) that slowly push your teeth back into place. You have to wear these aligners 20-22 hours per day, and you have to remove them when you eat or drink anything other than water. You’ll also have to floss and brush before putting your trays back on.

Unlike braces, invisalign is hardly-noticeable. While certain jobs require braces (braces are much more reliable for severe teeth misalignment) invisalign is a safe, effective, and comfortable alternative. Unlike braces, there’s no metal that can cut your mouth, and there’s no rubber bands either. Invisalign is typically easier to keep clean: All you have to do is keep your teeth clean before you put your trays back in.

How are Invisalign Aligners Made?

It’s hard to believe that a little piece of clear plastic can adjust your teeth, but it’s more believable when you look into the manufacturing. Creating invisalign aligners is a three step process: Your orthodontist will scan your mouth, your trays will be designed, and then your trays will be manufactured.

The scanning phase comes first. Your orthodontist will either make a mold of your teeth, or your orthodontist will use an intraoral scanner to make a 3d scan of the inside of your mouth. He or she may also use x-rays to get a fuller picture of your teeth. Once this is all set, the scan is sent to an invisalign lab for design.

Designing your trays takes more than just a mold of what your teeth look like now – otherwise, there wouldn’t be any improvement! Instead, your trays will be designed in accordance to your desired end results, and the duration of your treatment. Because invisalign involves using several trays to slowly shift your teeth over time, each tray must be designed with incremental improvements.

Finally, the designs are sent to a manufacturer. Manufacturers oftentimes use 3D printing to create each step for your invisalign treatment. Once the 3D prints are created, they’re wrapped in a special, heated plastic. This heated plastic is removed from the 3D print, and hardens into your new invisalign tray.

Your invisalign trays are made from more than just plastic: They need to be strong enough to shift your teeth. Manufacturers use a polyurethane resin to create your trays. This resin is clear, medical-grade, and much stronger than your ordinary plastic. Over the course of your treatment, these trays will slowly push your teeth into place.

Get in Touch with an Orthodontist Today

If you want a happier, healthier smile, you shouldn’t hesitate to contact an orthodontist. The right specialist can walk you through your treatment options, and you’ll be smiling proud in no time. Reach out to an orthodontist today, and see how they can help you restore your smile!


Invisalign or Braces: What Works Best?

Having a good smile is important, and we all want to look our best. But confidence can do measures for how we feel about ourselves, and if we’re not confident in our appearance, we may not feel confident in other aspects of our lives either.

Fortunately, as a specialist in braces in Provo, UT like our friends at SuperGrin Orthodontics can explain there are several solid options you can choose to restore your smile. Rather than worrying about how you’ll look in the family photo album, read on to learn more about how invisalign and braces can help you.

What You Need to Know about Invisalign

According to the Stanford University Press, 50-70% of American children will need braces at one point in their lives. Despite this high rate, many people are still hesitant to get the dental work they need – even if that dental work can give them healthier teeth!

It’s understandable to feel hesitant about braces. They’re noticeable and they can be difficult to maintain, and after a certain age you may feel self-conscious about getting braces. Fortunately, invisalign is a safe, effective, and barely-noticeable tool to help you adjust your teeth without needing any heavy-duty wire work or rubber bands.

Invisalign involves a series of transparent aligners (also known as trays) that are worn over your teeth. Using invisalign gradually shifts your teeth over time, and you may have to switch across several different trays over the course of your treatment. These trays are almost invisible when you wear them, but you still need to wear them fo 20-22 hours per day.

Why Choose Braces?

Even though invisalign is an effective and low profile solution, many people still choose to get braces. Why? The answer varies, so it’s important to consider the pros of braces when you’re comparing them to invisalign.

While braces are much more noticeable, they’re much more effective at treating serious dental misalignments. Invisalign may be effective, but there are some jobs that are just too tough. Braces are effective in almost all use cases, and they’re also cheaper. Invisalign usually costs between $3500 and $8000, while braces can start at $2500 instead.

Braces also require much less time. Invisalign is only effective if the patient is diligent. You need to pop those trays in and out any time you want to eat or drink (anything that isn’t water), and you need to make sure you brush your teeth thoroughly before you put your invisalign trays back in. And of course, invisalign doesn’t work if you forget to wear the trays in the first place.

On the other hand, braces are on your teeth nonstop. This means the total treatment time may be less overall than if you had decided on using invisalign. While braces are typically much more noticeable than invisalign, there are newer options that are much more hidden. Lingual braces, for example, are inserted behind the teeth, and people won’t notice you have braces at all.

Talk to an Orthodontist Before Making Your Decision

Braces are still an effective solution, but if you’re disciplined enough to make invisalign work for you, it can be well worth the benefits. In any case, it’s important to get in touch with a qualified orthodontist who can walk you through your options. The right specialist can examine your teeth and help you determine whether Invisalign is a possibility, or if braces are your only (or best choice).

Don’t hesitate to get your smile back! Get in touch with an orthodontist today.


All You Need to Know About Invisalign

For some people, the prospect of braces is a bit of a nightmare. Even though 50-70% of American children will need braces at one point in their lives, the thought of getting a mouthful of wire and rubber bands is enough to make people completely avoid getting the dental help they need.

Fortunately, as a specialist in invisalign in Provo, UT like our friends at SuperGrin Orthodontics can explain, braces are becoming more and more low-profile, and if you really want to save your smile without committing to the wire work, you can still choose invisalign.

You may have heard of invisalign before, but there’s always questions before committing to serious dental work. You might be wondering why braces still exist if invisalign is just as effective, and you might be wondering which option would be best for you. Fortunately, we’ve put together a simple guide for you to understand the basics. Don’t forget to contact an orthodontist for more information!

The Pros and Cons of Invisalign

The most obvious pro of invisalign is that invisalign isn’t obvious at all. Invisalign relies on custom-made aligners made out of clear plastic. These aligners, also known as trays, fit over your teeth and slowly shift them into the correct place. You may have to change through several trays over the course of your treatment.

You have to wear invisalign aligners from 20-22 hours per day, but they really work, and they’re really hard to notice. It’s why so many people prefer invisalign over the alternative. But aside from their near-invisibility, the list of pros goes on: Invisalign is safe and effective, and it also won’t cut up your mouth like braces. They’re also cleaner: You remove the trays whenever you want to eat, and you put them back in after brushing. No food caught in wires, no rubber bands.

Invisalign aligners are low-profile, and although they typically cost more than braces, there are new advances in 3d scanning that have brought down the price of invisalign significantly in recent years. But unfortunately, price is still one of the main drawbacks of invisalign treatment.

In terms of payment, you can expect to pay anywhere from $3500 to $8000 for invisalign (compared to braces which typically start at around $2500). And while invisalign are effective, they’re really only as effective as your own discipline.

You need to ensure you wear your invisalign trays every day, and wearing them isn’t as simple as just popping them in after a meal. You need to brush after every meal to ensure you don’t trap any food between your trays and your teeth, and you have to remove your trays before you drink anything other than water. Invisalign takes a lot of work, but having an almost-invisible orthodontic treatment is worth the effort for many patients.

Why do People Still Choose Braces?

There are some jobs that are too intensive for invisalign, and that’s where braces come in. Fortunately, if your orthodontist recommends braces, you don’t need to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Millions of Americans wear braces, and there are new types of braces that are barely noticeable as well: For example, lingual braces, which fit behind your teeth, or ceramic braces, which blend in with your teeth.

Braces are still a more cost-effective option than invisalign, and they’ll typically require a much shorter treatment window than invisalign as well. They may be unsightly to some people, but there’s a reason braces have withstood the test of time as an effective method for teeth straightening!

Contact an Orthodontist Today

Deciding between invisalign and braces can be a bit of a challenge, especially if you don’t know whether invisalign will help your teeth in the first place. It’s important to get in touch with an orthodontist so you can explore your options and restore your smile.

Reach out to an orthodontist today, and see whether invisalign can help. There are several options available, and there’s no reason to wait on happier, healthier teeth!