What to Expect From Invisalign Treatment 

Getting Invisalign treatment is a great option for many patients who have mild cases of crooked teeth, bite issues, or overcrowded teeth. It’s a discrete and effective type of aligner, so it is a good alternative if you do not want people to know that you are getting treatment. During your consultation you may want to ask the orthodontist several questions. You may be wondering what to expect when you get Invisalign treatment. These are some of the things that an orthodontist will let you know If you want to find out more about what to expect from the Invisalign process.


During your initial consultation the orthodontist will learn about your dental history and the nature of your issue. They will do tests such as scans, X-rays and take molds of your teeth to understand how severe your condition is. Explain what kind of symptoms you have, such as chewing issues or pain when you bite. Invisalign is suitable for patients with a variety of issues, but if you have a particularly severe condition Invisalign will probably not be the suitable treatment option for you.

Molding Aligners

Once a dentist has determined that you are a good candidate for Invisalign, they will proceed to mold the custom trays and make sure that they fit. Invisalign involves 3D printing technology so that the orthodontist can take specially designed molds. This unique approach allows them to create a highly accurate design that fits your teeth perfectly. The molds are specifically fitted to your teeth. There are several trays that the orthodontist will fit, one for each phase of treatment. 


Invisalign aligners are fitted in a matter of minutes. It can take as little as 10 minutes to get them installed in your mouth. The orthodontist puts special attachments so that the tray can be locked into place. When the 3D printed trays are done, the orthodontist simply attaches them to the upper and bottom teeth. 


Like traditional braces, Invisalign works by gradually moving your teeth in the proper position, as an orthodontist who specializes in Invisalign treatment for Provo, UT residents can tell you, like one at SuperGrin Orthodontics. Over the course of several months, the treatment will take place. Aligners are changed every couple of weeks. There are several trays that will be applied to your teeth, and the number of trays depends on your particular issue. After each stage of your treatment, the orthodontist replaces the tray with a new one. 

Final Results 

After the end of treatment, you can expect to see your results. Your teeth will look and feel straighter. Your teeth will be in their rightful position. Any other issues you may have, such as bite problems, will be corrected. Patients who have had success with Invisalign are highly satisfied with how well their smile turned out. On average, Invisalign treatment takes about 12 months to complete, but can take as little as 6 months. Many patients do notice results after just a few weeks however. 

Talk to a highly qualified and experienced orthodontist to find out if Invisalign is right for you.