Making Your Invisalign Trays

If you want a better smile, but you don’t want to go straight for braces, you may have considered invisalign braces. But does invisalign really work? And why should you consider invisalign over normal braces?

As a specialist in invisalign treatment Provo, UT like our friends at SuperGrin Orthodontics can explain, there’s more to invisalign than meets the eye. Read on to learn more about invisalign, and see how a qualified orthodontist can help you get your smile back.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a method of straightening out your teeth, much like braces. However, unlike braces, invisalign is almost undetectable to the naked eye. Invisalign treatment involves several custom-made aligners (also known as trays) that slowly push your teeth back into place. You have to wear these aligners 20-22 hours per day, and you have to remove them when you eat or drink anything other than water. You’ll also have to floss and brush before putting your trays back on.

Unlike braces, invisalign is hardly-noticeable. While certain jobs require braces (braces are much more reliable for severe teeth misalignment) invisalign is a safe, effective, and comfortable alternative. Unlike braces, there’s no metal that can cut your mouth, and there’s no rubber bands either. Invisalign is typically easier to keep clean: All you have to do is keep your teeth clean before you put your trays back in.

How are Invisalign Aligners Made?

It’s hard to believe that a little piece of clear plastic can adjust your teeth, but it’s more believable when you look into the manufacturing. Creating invisalign aligners is a three step process: Your orthodontist will scan your mouth, your trays will be designed, and then your trays will be manufactured.

The scanning phase comes first. Your orthodontist will either make a mold of your teeth, or your orthodontist will use an intraoral scanner to make a 3d scan of the inside of your mouth. He or she may also use x-rays to get a fuller picture of your teeth. Once this is all set, the scan is sent to an invisalign lab for design.

Designing your trays takes more than just a mold of what your teeth look like now – otherwise, there wouldn’t be any improvement! Instead, your trays will be designed in accordance to your desired end results, and the duration of your treatment. Because invisalign involves using several trays to slowly shift your teeth over time, each tray must be designed with incremental improvements.

Finally, the designs are sent to a manufacturer. Manufacturers oftentimes use 3D printing to create each step for your invisalign treatment. Once the 3D prints are created, they’re wrapped in a special, heated plastic. This heated plastic is removed from the 3D print, and hardens into your new invisalign tray.

Your invisalign trays are made from more than just plastic: They need to be strong enough to shift your teeth. Manufacturers use a polyurethane resin to create your trays. This resin is clear, medical-grade, and much stronger than your ordinary plastic. Over the course of your treatment, these trays will slowly push your teeth into place.

Get in Touch with an Orthodontist Today

If you want a happier, healthier smile, you shouldn’t hesitate to contact an orthodontist. The right specialist can walk you through your treatment options, and you’ll be smiling proud in no time. Reach out to an orthodontist today, and see how they can help you restore your smile!