All You Need to Know About Invisalign

For some people, the prospect of braces is a bit of a nightmare. Even though 50-70% of American children will need braces at one point in their lives, the thought of getting a mouthful of wire and rubber bands is enough to make people completely avoid getting the dental help they need.

Fortunately, as a specialist in invisalign in Provo, UT like our friends at SuperGrin Orthodontics can explain, braces are becoming more and more low-profile, and if you really want to save your smile without committing to the wire work, you can still choose invisalign.

You may have heard of invisalign before, but there’s always questions before committing to serious dental work. You might be wondering why braces still exist if invisalign is just as effective, and you might be wondering which option would be best for you. Fortunately, we’ve put together a simple guide for you to understand the basics. Don’t forget to contact an orthodontist for more information!

The Pros and Cons of Invisalign

The most obvious pro of invisalign is that invisalign isn’t obvious at all. Invisalign relies on custom-made aligners made out of clear plastic. These aligners, also known as trays, fit over your teeth and slowly shift them into the correct place. You may have to change through several trays over the course of your treatment.

You have to wear invisalign aligners from 20-22 hours per day, but they really work, and they’re really hard to notice. It’s why so many people prefer invisalign over the alternative. But aside from their near-invisibility, the list of pros goes on: Invisalign is safe and effective, and it also won’t cut up your mouth like braces. They’re also cleaner: You remove the trays whenever you want to eat, and you put them back in after brushing. No food caught in wires, no rubber bands.

Invisalign aligners are low-profile, and although they typically cost more than braces, there are new advances in 3d scanning that have brought down the price of invisalign significantly in recent years. But unfortunately, price is still one of the main drawbacks of invisalign treatment.

In terms of payment, you can expect to pay anywhere from $3500 to $8000 for invisalign (compared to braces which typically start at around $2500). And while invisalign are effective, they’re really only as effective as your own discipline.

You need to ensure you wear your invisalign trays every day, and wearing them isn’t as simple as just popping them in after a meal. You need to brush after every meal to ensure you don’t trap any food between your trays and your teeth, and you have to remove your trays before you drink anything other than water. Invisalign takes a lot of work, but having an almost-invisible orthodontic treatment is worth the effort for many patients.

Why do People Still Choose Braces?

There are some jobs that are too intensive for invisalign, and that’s where braces come in. Fortunately, if your orthodontist recommends braces, you don’t need to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Millions of Americans wear braces, and there are new types of braces that are barely noticeable as well: For example, lingual braces, which fit behind your teeth, or ceramic braces, which blend in with your teeth.

Braces are still a more cost-effective option than invisalign, and they’ll typically require a much shorter treatment window than invisalign as well. They may be unsightly to some people, but there’s a reason braces have withstood the test of time as an effective method for teeth straightening!

Contact an Orthodontist Today

Deciding between invisalign and braces can be a bit of a challenge, especially if you don’t know whether invisalign will help your teeth in the first place. It’s important to get in touch with an orthodontist so you can explore your options and restore your smile.

Reach out to an orthodontist today, and see whether invisalign can help. There are several options available, and there’s no reason to wait on happier, healthier teeth!