Invisalign Provo, UT

Invisalign Provo, UT

Invisalign has become an effective alternative to braces. Invisalign in Provo, UT is a type of orthodontic treatment that uses transparent and removable aligners to gradually straighten teeth. It is a popular option for adults who do not want the more permanent look of braces. Invisalign aligners are molded to fit your individual teeth, so they are custom designed for each client.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic trays that fit over your teeth and gradually shift them into place over time. Unlike traditional braces, which can take years to complete, Invisalign in Provo, UT can be done in as little as six months.

Because they are less invasive than traditional braces, there is a lower risk of damage to your teeth and gums. This means you don’t have to worry about having to wear braces for several years before seeing results.

Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces

Many people prefer Invisalign in Provo, UT over traditional braces because they can be removed at any time, making it easier to eat and drink. The trays are also more comfortable than the metal wires of traditional braces, which can cut and scrape the inside of your mouth.

In addition, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible when you’re wearing them, whereas most braces are noticeable on your teeth. If you’re looking for a more discreet option for straightening your teeth, Invisalign from SuperGrin Orthodontics might be a good choice for you.

How Do Traditional Metal Braces Work?

Traditional metal braces are made of high-grade stainless steel. They feature brackets bonded to the teeth and connected by an arch wire, which is tightened periodically to gradually move the teeth into the desired position.

Traditional metal braces can be used on patients of all ages and situations, from minor tooth alignment issues to major malocclusion (misalignment). In some cases, they may be combined with other treatments, such as jaw surgery or the use of palate expanders.

Get an Evaluation

Most dentists will do this for free and give you a free consultation. This will tell you how many teeth you need to straighten and where they are located. You also want to find out how long it will take and whether or not it can be done at home.

Find out what type of braces work best for your particular situation. Some people will only need to wear them on top of their teeth while others may need them all around their mouth. Some people just don’t have enough space in their mouths to accommodate the procedure, so they may have to go with something else like a traditional bracket system or a retainer that goes behind the teeth instead of over them.


The cost of Invisalign in Provo, UT varies by patient and by office. However, it is typically much more expensive than traditional braces, which can be a deterrent for some patients who can’t afford it. Make sure to ask your orthodontist if they take insurance and how much your out-of-pocket payment will be so that you don’t get sticker shock when the bill comes in!

When you want a straighter smile, you have options. At SuperGrin Orthodontics, we offer traditional metal braces as well as Invisalign clear aligners. Metal braces are the tried-and-true way to realign teeth and close gaps, but Invisalign is a newer and more aesthetically pleasing option.

Learn more about Invisalign in Provo, UT and schedule your free consultation with SuperGrin Orthodontics today.

Deciding Between Invisalign and Braces

Invisalign is an effective method of straightening your teeth and repairing your smile, and an orthodontist who specializes in invisalign in Provo, Utah, can help you decide on a treatment plan that works best for your goals. 

At SuperGrin Orthodontics, we’re happy to help you choose which option is best for your desired results, whether it’s braces or invisalign. We’re also happy to provide all the information you need about invisalign, braces, and more. Read on to learn more about which method is best for you, and get in touch with us today for a consultation.

Why Do People Still Get Braces?

Invisalign is almost invisible, and invisalign aligners (also known as trays) are typically more comfortable. There are no wires or rubber bands, and having completely transparent aligners is a definite bonus for those who are a little image conscious about their orthodontic treatments. So why do people still choose braces?

Unfortunately, there are some jobs that are just too severe for invisalign aligners. On the other hand, braces are much more effective at correcting serious teeth misalignment. Braces are also typically cheaper than invisalign. Braces usually start at around $2500, while invisalign tends to go from anywhere between $3500 and $8000.

When it comes to deciding between braces and invisalign, you need to consider your own sense of discipline as well. Can you trust yourself to put on your aligners? You’ll have to wear then 20-22 hours a day, and you’ll have to floss and brush before you put them back on.

Invisalign is an effective method of teeth straightening and repair, but you do need to stay on top of the routine. Braces typically require much less diligence, and as an added bonus, the total treatment time is usually shorter than the amount of time you’d need for completing your invisalign treatment.

Who Do People Choose Invisalign over Braces?

The most obvious benefit of invisalign is how unobtrusive the treatment can be. Invisalign aligners are completely transparent, and it’s almost impossible to tell you’re wearing aligners. They’re usually much more comfortable than braces: Braces can sometimes cut the inside of your mouth, and tend to require much more thorough cleaning.

Invisalign is comfortable, barely visible, and effective for most teeth straightening needs. If you’re considering invisalign, it may be worth the extra cost – and with recent developments in 3D scanning and printing, invisalign treatments are coming closer to the price point of conventional braces.

5 Benefits of Invisalign

Many Provo, UT residents consider Invisalign if they want straighter teeth, have overcrowded teeth, or have other types of dental issues. Invisalign aligners have a unique design and are highly effective at treating mild cases of bite, crowding, and spacing issues, but they can also be a good treatment for certain severe cases. Consider these essential benefits of Invisalign if you are looking into alternatives for metal braces.

Invisible Look

Many people who may need braces don’t like the idea of having to wear them because they are so visible. The look and design of traditional metal braces can make people feel uncomfortable and it affects how they smile. If you do not want people to know that you are getting dental treatment, Invisalign may be a good option for you. They have a clear design so it looks like you do not have anything on your teeth. They consist of a patented transparent and flexible type of plastic.

Comfortable to Wear

Invisalign aligners are highly comfortable. Compared to metal braces or other braces made of different material, Invisalign provides a lot of comfort because they are made of softer plastic that confirms your teeth. Patients wearing them have to wear them for most of the day, so they are specially made to maximize comfort. Traditional braces are more stiff, so they can be uncomfortable. Because they’re made of metal, they can scrape against the gums and cause bleeding. Invisalign is a great option if you do not want to deal with the discomfort caused by braces. 

Easy to Remove 

Another hassle that comes with traditional braces is that they are not easy to remove at all. Once they are installed, they can’t be removed by the wearer. Only a qualified orthodontist can remove them. As an orthodontist who provides residents with Provo Invisalign treatment can explain, Invisalign aligners are simple and easy to take on or off. They can be removed for a short amount of time, like if you want to brush your teeth or take photos. This makes them more convenient than regular braces, which require a trip to the orthodontist to be removed.   

Fewer Appointments

You do not need to have your aligners constantly adjusted like with traditional metal braces. Because the trays are custom-designed to fit your teeth, you only need to go to the orthodontist for follow up appointments several times. Metal braces can be prone to issues, such as food getting stuck, or the wire getting dislodged. Having to make constant adjustments make metal braces inconvenient and a hassle to wear, unlike Invisalign aligners. 

No Food Restrictions

When people have braces, they have to be cautious about what type of food that they eat. There are certain foods that they are unable to eat at all. While wearing metal braces, patients should not easy foods that can get stuck 

With so many unique benefits that Invisalign has to offer, it is easy to see why they are an appealing option to many patients looking for alternatives to braces. To find out if you are a good candidate to wear Invisalign, set up an appointment with an orthodontist who offers Prov Invisalign treatment.

How are Invisalign Trays Made?

Invisalign aligners are an effective, low-profile, and comfortable method of teeth straightening. But how does it work, and can a little piece of plastic really adjust the spacing and alignment of your teeth?

Invisalign aligners are created in a three step process:

1.Your Provo invisalign specialist will take a 3D scan of your teeth and will send the scan to designers. This may involve using molds or an intraoral scanner.

2. The designers will create several custom-fitted trays based on your current tooth alignment and your desired goal. Then, the designs are sent to a manufacturer.

3. After the trays are designed, a manufacturer will take the designs and use them to make 3D prints of each tray. A high-strength polyurethane resin is heated and wrapped around those 3D prints. Once each heated resin has taken the shape of its 3D print, the resin is removed and cooled until hard.

This end product becomes the actual aligners you’ll be using. These aligners are used in sequence to gradually shift your teeth into position, and after consistent use you’ll have a happier, healthier smile.

Invisalign aligners are created in a three step process

Do I need to wear my aligners all the time?

We recommend wearing your aligners 20-22 hours per day. We understand that you need to take them out to eat and drink certain types of liquids, but it is important that you stick with a regular schedule for your aligners. This will give your teeth the best opportunity to move in the right direction in a way that’s quick and safe. 

What kind of oral hygiene should I have?

It is best to have hygiene that you would regularly have when it comes to taking care of your teeth. We recommend brushing twice daily, flossing, and using mouthwash. Especially when you are wearing your retainers, it can be easy for food to get stuck between your teeth and stay there. When you put your aligners in, this not only pushes the food back further but also keeps the food on your teeth overnight. This can do serious harm to the enamel of your teeth and can cause cavities to form quickly. To ensure optimal teeth health, stick to a flossing and brush routine to keep food out of your teeth after you eat and drink. 

Do my aligners contain BPA? 

Many people are concerned that their aligners may contain Bisphenol-A, also known as BPA. No, Invisalign aligners do not contain BPA. The aligners you wear will be made from medical-grade polyurethane resins. These aligners have gone through rigorous testing and it is important to know that you are putting something safe in your mouth. If you have any questions or concerns, you can speak with us directly about your aligners. 

Are Invisalign aligners approved by the FDA?

Yes. When you are using Invisalign aligners you can feel safe and comfortable knowing that they have been approved for use by the FDA. The FDA has classified them as a Class II medical device that is safe for patients to use. 

Are there any cons to wearing Invisalign?

As much as we love offering Invisalign aligners to our patients, it is true that they may not be the right answer for everyone. For example, if you are unable to keep up with your hygiene routine, you may find that aligners make this worse. Similarly, if you know that you will not be able to wear your aligners for the prescribed amount of time, you will not get the change in your smile you are looking for. Additionally, not everyone will be a good candidate for Invisalign. For example, if you have more severe problems with your mouth, your orthodontist will likely encourage you to pursue another avenue for working on your teeth. Invisalign may simply not be able to provide you with the level of care you need. It is always important to schedule a consultation with your orthodontist to learn whether Invisalign is the right move for you. 

If you are interested in Invisalign, give our office a call to see what we can do for you. We are happy to work with you on your smile journey.

Get in Touch with SuperGrin Orthodontics Today

Scheduling a meeting with a qualified orthodontist is your first step towards a better smile. Get in touch with SuperGrin Orthodontics today, and see how a Provo invisalign specialist can help you decide which treatment is best for your teeth and desired goals.