Lindon Orthodontist

Orthodontist Lindon, UT

Orthodontist Lindon, UT

When considering whether braces are the right treatment option, it will be imperative to speak with a Lindon, UT orthodontist to determine the best way to move forward. Orthodontia can be daunting, especially considering the cost associated with treatments, not to mention the length of time treatment can last. Orthodontic care is critical to correct issues impacting the jaw, such as bite issues, misalignments, or other malocclusions, to prevent further damage from occurring. Whether you believe you have dental problems that call on the support of an orthodontist or a dentist has recommended that you make an appointment, it’s essential to move forward to gain an understanding of necessary treatments to correct any issues. While orthodontia is imperative and offers many advantages, prospective patients will have several questions regarding treatment for SuperGrin Orthodontics, which may include:

What are signs that someone should see an orthodontist?

A dentist will likely be the one to refer a patient to see an orthodontist yet if any of the following signs are present, it may be time to move forward with a consultation with an orthodontist:

  • Mouth/Jaw Pain
  • Overcrowding of Teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Spacing Between Teeth
  • Difficulty With Speech

What age should a child go to the orthodontist? 

Most parents would like to know when they should see an orthodontist. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, children should see an orthodontist around seven or when many of their adult teeth have grown in. While braces may not be necessary right away, families can determine whether their children will need them in the future. 

Preparing Kids and Teens for a Trip to the Orthodontist

Before you bring your child or teen to our Lindon, UT orthodontist offices, consider reviewing the following tips from the SuperGrin Orthodontics team. Scientific research is now constantly shedding light on the ways in which experiences that the brain and/or body perceive as traumatic can affect kids and teens both immediately and down the road. We take that reality very seriously.

Although our team does its utmost to put kids and teens at ease during their treatment, we are well aware of the fact that all patients perceive dental services differently. If, for example, your child has extreme anxiety concerning medical care or hates brushing their teeth, a trip to the orthodontist – however seemingly innocuous it might seem to most people – could feel truly traumatic for your child if they aren’t properly prepared to anticipate what is coming.

As a result, it is a good idea to talk through the purpose of seeing our Lindon orthodontist team with low-anxiety kids and a good idea to prepare for this process in greater depth with mid-level and high-level anxiety kids.

How to Prepare: A Few Ideas

In addition to explaining why your child or teen needs to see the orthodontist, it may be helpful – depending on their age and developmental level – to provide them with reading material or YouTube videos (that you have previewed) explaining orthodontic procedures. Just make sure to choose informative, helpful material, not graphic material that may scare your already frightened kiddo.

If your child is very young or has certain developmental challenges, they may prefer to tour our facilities and get to know us before their appointment. If so, don’t hesitate to contact the SuperGrin Orthodontics team to let us know about your child’s needs and to schedule a preventative pop in.

Additionally, it can be helpful to gather resources together to keep your child or teen calm and comfortable on the day. Young kids may want to bring along a stuffy to hold. Kids of all ages may appreciate earplugs and/or noise cancelling headphones hooked up to the music or show of their choice on a device in order to drown out noises that may cause anxiety. Some kids even appreciate a swimmer’s clip for their noses to use when appropriate, as the smells of dental offices bother some people.

You may also want to proactively work through what it is going to be like when your child comes home from the Lindon orthodontist. Some kids don’t respond well to a change in appearance when they get braces because they weren’t expecting to look so different. Others struggle when they realize that they can’t eat a favorite food for a while due to temporary treatment or braces. Working through these challenges in advance by talking about them and getting kids excited for any special accommodations you may make as an encouragement can be a good way to ward off issues before they have a chance to manifest.

What are common reasons that an orthodontist might recommend braces?

A Lindon orthodontist may recommend braces to both children and adults. People of all ages may need to wear braces. For many adults, this can be daunting; however, there are several options for treatment that may be far less noticeable than traditional metal braces. Common reasons an orthodontist may recommend braces include:

  • To close spaces between teeth
  • To straighten teeth
  • To correct misalignments, bite, and jaw issues
  • Relief from temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ)

How long will a patient be required to wear braces?

Treatment time can vary depending upon the reason for treatment. In most cases, patients can expect to wear braces for 18-24 months; sometimes, those with more extensive problems may need to wear braces longer. Treatment times will be based on how the patient responds to treatment. For example, if the patient is responding well to treatment, timeframes for braces may be shorter than initially prescribed. 

What happens if I choose not to move forward with braces?

Should an orthodontist recommend braces, patients should begin planning for this non-invasive procedure. There are many reasons a person may choose not to proceed with treatment. While there may be several personal reasons for this, patients must prioritize treatments that have been recommended. Should a person wait too long or forgo the process altogether, they may experience problems that can include:

  • Tooth Decay
  • Wear on Teeth
  • Difficulty Chewing
  • Speech Problems
  • Greater Bite Issues
  • Greater Misalignments

One of the most important first impressions a person makes is with their smile. Dental issues that require orthodontics can not only impact a person’s smile but can also cause several complications that could impact their health. While it may be easy to put off orthodontic treatments, doing so could worsen misalignments and significantly affect the bite. To schedule a consultation with our Lindon orthodontist from SuperGrin Orthodontics, call today!

Why You Should Take Your Children to the Orthodontist When They’re Young

Taking your children to a Lindon, UT orthodontist at a young age is essential for maintaining a healthy smile and preventing any future dental issues. While some may think that it’s too soon to visit an orthodontist, there are numerous benefits for children of all ages. From identifying any potential issues early on to creating the perfect smile, the orthodontist is a critical part of your child’s dental care. Schedule your child’s first appointment with SuperGrin Orthodontics today!

Avoid Serious Problems Later

Crowded or misplaced teeth can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and other issues that can cause pain, increased risk of infection, and more expensive treatments down the line. Taking your child to an orthodontist at a young age gives them the best chance of avoiding these more serious problems as they get older.

Easier to Treat Problems When Growing

When a child visits a Lindon orthodontist at a young age, it’s much easier to treat any potential issues. The jaw and mouth are still growing and changing, so they can be easily adjusted as needed. By addressing problems while the child is still growing, it will be much easier to correct misalignments and other issues that could become more serious as they get older. This can reduce the need for complex treatments and expensive procedures down the road. Not to mention, the child will have a straight and beautiful smile for years to come!

Less Invasive

Because a child’s jawbones and teeth are still growing, it’s easier for the orthodontist to adjust and correct any issues before they become more serious. This means that the treatments that would have been more extensive or complicated when done in adulthood are much simpler now. It also eliminates the need for surgery in many cases. By starting treatment early, your child will be able to enjoy the results sooner with fewer visits and less pain.

Lessen Fear

Visiting the orthodontist can be intimidating for children, and the thought of wearing braces can be especially scary. Taking your children to the orthodontist when they are younger can help lessen their fear of visiting the doctor and wearing braces. With smaller mouths and teeth, the treatment is less invasive and can be more comfortable for children. Making it a positive experience when they are young can help them feel more relaxed when they visit the orthodontist in the future. This can also make it easier to follow through with any treatment plan prescribed by the orthodontist, helping children take ownership of their oral health.

Easier to Monitor Progress

When children are older, they may not want to keep up with regular visits and treatments. With younger children, orthodontists can easily monitor their progress. This will help ensure any needed corrections are made and prevent more serious issues from arising later on. By monitoring progress regularly, orthodontists can also advise parents about any lifestyle changes that may be beneficial for their child’s dental health. Additionally, the orthodontist can catch issues early, reducing the severity of the problem and making it easier to treat.


Contact a Lindon orthodontist at SuperGrin Orthodontics today to schedule your child’s first appointment!