How to Get Used to Life with Braces

Braces can straighten your teeth and make you feel more confident about your smile. However, the adjustment period can be tough for some people. Braces might feel uncomfortable at first and it may be difficult to eat certain foods. However, if you change some of your habits, living with braces will be easier.

Here are some tips for getting used to life with braces.

Know Which Foods to Avoid

When you have braces, you may not be able to eat some of your favorite foods. Hard foods, like candy and nuts, and crunchy foods, like popcorn and chips, can get stuck between your teeth and braces. If you want to eat these foods on occasion, remember to brush and floss afterward.

Foods that are easier on your braces include yogurt, mashed potatoes, pancakes, soup and steamed vegetables.

Rinse Your Mouth with Salt Water

It is normal to experience irritation on the inside of your lips and cheeks when you first get braces. If you have a lot of discomfort, try rinsing your mouth with salt water. Add a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and swish the solution in your mouth several times a day.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Brushing and flossing may be trickier with braces, so some may skimp on their oral hygiene practices. Unfortunately, this can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Remember to gently brush your teeth with a soft bristle brush after every meal. If you have trouble with regular flossing, consider using ortho pick flossers. If you still have difficulty keeping up with your oral hygiene routine, let your orthodontist know.

Don’t Worry if Your Teeth Feel Loose

When you have braces, you may notice that your teeth feel loose. Don’t panic. This is perfectly normal. Your teeth must loosen to move into their new positions. Once your treatment is done, your teeth will be stable again.

Wear a Mouthguard When Playing Sports

If you frequently play sports, it is important to invest in a custom mouthguard. If you get hit in the face with a ball, the mouthguard will prevent your braces from making contact with the soft tissues in your mouth, ultimately helping you avoid lacerations. A mouthguard will also prevent your braces from getting damaged.

If you are interested in getting braces, schedule a consultation with an orthodontist today.